Homework 3

Stylizing your webpage

For this part of the homework, you will be “improving” your website from Homework 2.

Use CSS to stylize your page. I’d recommend making a separate CSS file and then importing it into your HTML (see Day 3 Notes). This is open ended, but here are some things you should try out:

Webkit is only supported by Safari and Chrome. If you’re not using Safari or Chrome, you will need a different CSS prefix.


Create a new webpage for this part of the homework.

You will be experimenting with Bootstrap, a popular starting point for creating responsive (ready for a variety of devices) and decent looking websites.

If you’re having trouble filling your webpage with text to test out, try a dummy text generator such as Bacon Ipsum or Lorem Ipsum. This is actually common practice for web developers when they first design a website but do not know what content will fill it yet.

  1. Copy and paste the starter template into a new file. You can ignore the optional JavaScript components. You do not need to understand the contents between the head tags.

  2. Explore some of the Bootstrap examples and components. Pick 4 features that you like (they can be from different examples or components) and add them to your own webpage.
    • For example, one popular feature is the jumbotron. The example on the page even nests a button within.
    • If you use tables, try resizing your browser window and see what happens.
  3. If you haven’t tried containers yet, include a few on your page. Once again, resize your webpage and see how it reacts.
  4. Include your own stylesheet (CSS file). In your own file, try making some changes to overwrite the Bootstrap styles (i.e. change the font color for all paragraphs).
    • What happens if you import your CSS after Bootstrap’s stylesheet?
    • What happens if you import your CSS before Bootstrap’s stylesheet?

      If you want to better understand why this happens, read this article on CSS cascading.